Saturday 12 September 2009

A small adventure

I know, I know, every day with kids is an adventure. Today, however, Emily and I went off on our own mini-adventure, venturing down a hitherto unexplored public footpath. Husbandio and elsdest daughter were off on a mystery mission to Costco, so after Ems had woken up from her nap and had some milk we set off. I took my camera since it was a beautiful Indian summer day, and here are the highlights...

As we set off, I spotted this tree in our neighbour's garden, and it looked beautiful against the sky.

Since the berries looked so nice, I decided to see if I could find any other berries or fruit along the way. Just a few paces later I came across this schizophrenic bush:

Further down the road we came across someone growing grapes, which was a bit of a surprise.

Finding a damson tree was only to be expected:

And sloes of course (while I love sloe gin I'm not sure I can be bothered to pick and prick all the necessary sloes!)

And, of course, the ubiquitous blackberries.

After all this fruit-spotting excitement, we came across a public footpath sign, and soon found ourselves venturing down a mysterious path...

Unfortunately, at the end, we came across a small difficulty which prevented us going any further.

Which was a pity, since it looked beautiful.

However, it all proved rather too much excitement for young Emsy.

When we got home, we decided to have some chilling time in the hammock.

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