Emily's 15 weeks old now, and a lovely bright alert little thing. That's the problem though - she's little. Really little. I've written about this before, and it's not improving. I've had health visitors recommend that we feed her every two hours (that was rubbish - every time I tried to feed her she just looked at me as if to say "again, really? are you sure?" and eventually started to nip me. That put an end to the two hour feeding!
Last week she actually lost weight and, even though the health visitor that day said not to worry, I can't help it, so we've decided to start her on one bottle of formula a day. That was our plan, although Emily doesn't seem quite up to speed, and so far has only managed about half an ounce of formula. We'll keep trying, but it's hard to see her screaming in protest when I know I could easily breastfeed her. Still, it's for her own good.....
In other news, it's Isabel's fifth birthday in two days time, and the level of excitement this year has been much higher than in previous years. She's desperate to turn five, since all her friends are already five. Her main present is coming from my dad and his wife this year - a Nintendo DSi. Is she too young? Possibly, but it's got a built-in digital camera and she's really keen on using my camera so I think that'll go down well. And lots of her friends already have the Nintendo DS, so she'll be able to play joint games with them. Be interesting to see how much she actually uses it - maybe it won't come into its own for a couple of years time. Or maybe she'll be a gadget freak like her mum - I got an iPod Touch for my birthday recently, and it's fabulous, I've used it every day. Mainly to watch BBC iPlayer while breastfeeding!
DeepSeek , Donald Trump and me!
It has been a difficult few days. Midway through last week I was feeling a
rising emotion of joyful exhilaration. Despite the sanctions, despite the
US tec...
5 weeks ago
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