The other day I did a foolish thing. We went to Whipsnade on Sunday with some friends and their two daughters, and after a lovely day of picnicking and animal viewing we visited the gift shop and the loo and then set off home. Once the girls were in bed we got to the fun bit of the evening - uploading the day's photos. Except I couldn't find my camera. Searched and searched and searched but nope, it was gone. Did I leave it in the gift shop? Or the loo? Or did some toerag pinch it? We'll never know. I have a horrible feeling that I just absentmindedly left it somewhere but am trying to console myself with the thought that someone stole it. Because that reflects better on me.
Anyhoo, I was not in a good mood the following day because losing your camera is just such a stupid thing to do. I didn't lose many pictures, only those from that day, since I tend to upload them at the end of each day, but it's the principle of the thing which got my goat. I'm always telling Isabel to be responsible for her possessions and then what do I do? Lose something really valuable. What a great role model I am. And I know I could buy another one but I just felt it would be like burning money.
We'd been phoning Whipsnade each morning but no joy, so I resigned myself to the fact that it will never come to light. And then Husbandio and Isabel went into town today to do some jobs, and after lunch they presented me with a brand new digital camera. A beautiful one, 10.1 megapixels with a 3 inch touchscreen and more functions than you could shake a stick at. And it's red. With a pink case (courtesy of Isabel). I could have cried. I just felt so unworthy - after all, it was me who lost it, so it's my bank account which should have suffered. I told Husbandio he was very naughty and shouldn't have bought it for his stupid wife, but I said thank you too. Afterwards, Isabel asked if I liked my new "digikal" camera, and I said I did, and she asked why I'd said Daddy was naughty for buying it. And I realised that it was just my own guilt saying that, and that what I really meant was thank you thank you thank you for buying me a new camera to cheer me up and make me feel loved (even though I am clearly a stupid woman who may never get rid of this pregnancy brain). So thank you Husbandio! I owe you, any chance of buying me a brain that functions correctly?
DeepSeek , Donald Trump and me!
It has been a difficult few days. Midway through last week I was feeling a
rising emotion of joyful exhilaration. Despite the sanctions, despite the
US tec...
5 weeks ago
Sorry my budget will only stretch to a digital camera, new brains are pretty expensive, but I will have a look on ebay!