Apart from low weight gain being a worry in itself, there is a separate issue which is really getting on my tits. Pardon the pun. People stop in the street to coo over Emily ("what a lovely baby!" etc - which clearly I agree with). They also often say "isn't she tiny, how old is she?", and when I tell them she's coming up on 12 weeks they always look surprised. First I had annoying comments about having a small bump when I was pregnant, and these are being followed by similar comments now she's out. One day some unsuspecting soul is going to say something and get their head bitten off, chewed thoroughly, and spat back down their neck. At least I've warned the readers of this blog - comments about size not welcomed in this neck of the woods, thanks!
DeepSeek , Donald Trump and me!
It has been a difficult few days. Midway through last week I was feeling a
rising emotion of joyful exhilaration. Despite the sanctions, despite the
US tec...
5 weeks ago
Hello, funny baby there! Yes, don't worry about the size. I hope you are doing great as a family!