After our picnic we went for a walk (mainly so that Emsy would stay asleep, she really was a terrifically grumpy baby all day, poor little thing). And we came across a hippy camp. In Regent's Park! Bizarre. They'd built some very elaborate tree houses and hamocky things, and Isabel and I climbed up to a couple. One even had a library in it. All kind of cool, except I thought it could have been friendlier. We pootled about there for a good 10-15 minutes, but not one hippy approached us. We left, rather bemused as to why the whole installation was there at all. Having Googled it when I got home I found that it was meant to be some sort of art collective, hosting various events. Not when we were there, we only saw a lot of lazy-looking people sitting around in the sun. They had earned it in some way, because the tree houses were very cool:
The signs didn't make it any friendlier:
My theory on hippies, should anyone be interested, is that it looks fun to be one, but it's actually an enormously selfish way of life. Hippies seem to be able to get away with ignoring all of the minutiae of life which the rest of us have to take into consideration: things like getting a job and paying the mortgage, or sending people birthday cards. Does that mean I don't like hippies, or that I'm just jealous? Combination of the two perhaps!
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