Monday 15 March 2010

I know they say time flies, but this is ridiculous

Time is clearly flying by, since I have been less than assiduous about writing regularly. I will, as ever, try harder etc etc. What I need really is for this blog to become terribly successful, attract loads of advertising and sponsorship deals, and then make a full-time living out of blogging. Which would be great, because you have to do some reasonably interesting stuff in order to have things to write about. Alternatively, I should review more restaurants, get a reputation as a restaurant critic, and similarly move to full time blogging, this time with free food thrown in. In my dreams...!

Anyway, I was just skimming the BBC News web site and saw that David Schwimmer's getting married. I'm nosy, so I clicked through to see who he's marrying, and it turns out to be this girl who's 24, to his 45. Well done, that man. But that wasn't the shocking thing. The shocking thing was that the article said Friends had ended in 2004. That's SIX years ago (for those with poor mathemetical skills). SIX! That means that I seem to have lost six years in a bit of a haze. What happened? Oh yes, children, silly me.

While I'm depressing myself, this may be a good time to reveal that I left school TWENTY years ago (groan...!) and have been working for FOURTEEN in the same job. Well, for the same company anyway.

That's the trouble with blogging, some topics can really bring you down! Mental note: think of cheerier topic for tomorrow.

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