One of the unwritten rules which I set myself when I started this blog was "Don't be a sad boring British person who goes on about the weather all the time". Well, that rule's about to be broken since this post will be all about the weather, since it is absolutely brass monkeys, as they say. Isn't that a funny expression? Prize to anyone who can enlighten me as to where it comes from.

Anyway, I don't think that the temperature here in sunny Bucks has gone above about 2C or 3C in the last couple of weeks, and several days have seen the thermometer stuck firmly at freezing point or below. The other day it was -4C, and went up to a high of -2C in the afternoon, crazy! These may not sound like very low temperatures if you live somewhere like Moscow or Minneapolis (where one of my colleagues lives, and it was -24C the other day - I called him crazy for living there, and he said that there's no such thing as too cold, just the wrong clothing. I'm not entirely convinced by this).
Last night there was what I believe is known as a "hard frost", which created the most beautiful effect on the trees - made them all look like they'd suddenly aged and gone all grey. Even more impressive though were the spiders' webs, which, when covered in frost, looked like they were made of string rather than gossamer webs. Amazing.

Course, I'll be glad to see the back of the cold weather eventually, but actually I'm much preferring it to drizzle (plays havoc with my hair), gloomy clouds and mud. I wonder if it's possible to go straight from freezing to high summer? That'd be ideal, I can do without the whole business of April showers.
Brass Monkeys is a naval term, something to do with the cannon balls, not sure what exactly though, do i get a prize anyway?