I think Emily is going to be one of those babies for whom a minor cold means loss of appetite for a good week afterwards. Which, given her pipsqueakness, is not a good thing. She's been off her food and her milk for what seems like ages but is in reality just a few days - today she actually ate up properly and it was a marvellous thing. Will have to wait for the next paediatrician's appointment in a couple of weeks to see what it's done to her weight.
But of course, Emsy's on the up so Isabel is struck down. She had a very exciting day yesterday - her class led the school assembly, which is always fun since parents are allowed to go and watch. And she was great - said her line very clearly, even the headmaster commented on it. Proud! And then in the evening it was her school disco which she just loved - painted her nails pink first and dressed her up nicely, and she had a lovely time.
It all turned in the middle of the night. She refused a slice of pizza when she got home from the disco claiming a sore tummy, but then ate a piece of garlic bread which made me feel as if I was being played. But then, when I went in at about 11.45 to give her a kiss before I went to bed, I could smell an ominous smell, and she'd been sick. In her sleep. Without waking up. I could see the headlines in my mind's eye - "local girl's death ruled as misadventure - chokes on own vomit". So, we woke her up, got her out of bed and into the shower, washed her hair, changed her sheets, and then were too worried to let her sleep alone so she came into bed with me while poor Husbandio was relegated to the couch. Good job too, since at about 2am there was an ominous burp from the other side of the bed, and the same thing happened again - she was sick, and it didn't wake her up. Thank goodness she sleeps on her side. So, did the whole routine again - into the shower, new PJs, change all the sheets (and even flipped the mattress, not easy since it's super king size). We managed about 4 hours sleep from 2.30am, and then Emily started chattering.
Poor Isabel spent the whole day on the couch watching TV - Strawberry Shortcake DVD from the library which she watched twice, thus proving how brain dead she must have been feeling. Ate some pitta, half a crumpet, a few mouthfuls of plain pasta and a bowl of jelly. Mind you, by the evening a long bath and a large does of Nurofen had perked her up no end, so hopefully that's the end of it. And on that note, I'll just pop up and check she's still breathing....
DeepSeek , Donald Trump and me!
It has been a difficult few days. Midway through last week I was feeling a
rising emotion of joyful exhilaration. Despite the sanctions, despite the
US tec...
5 weeks ago
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