A good friend of mine has two small children at home, afflicted by some kind of vomitty bug. I expressed concern via the traditional medium of Facebook. As an aside, by the way, does anyone ever call anyone any more? I call my mum, but only because she has no e-mail address and wouldn't know what to do if her decades-old mobile phone got a text message. As for everyone else, if they're not on FB, Twitter, e-mail or Skype then they get short shrift from me. That's a terrible confession isn't it? My three lovely aunts have got e-mail addresses in the last few years and I'm often in touch with all of them now, where I wasn't much before (especially when my grandmother was still alive, since she was very much the family hub through which all news had to pass!), so that's a good thing, but makes me feel slightly guilty at being a bad neice in the past. Ah well, got that off my chest now, so I feel much better, thanks for listening.
Where was I? Oh yes, vomitty bug. Well, as I expressed concern, I also said that I didn't think we'd get it since I have a notoriously strong stomach, and that both kids seem to have inherited this trait. Idiot, I know. Since then Emily has thrown up big-stylee, as reported yesterday, and Isabel did the same tonight. I had her off school today since she had a really nasty streamy cold, right on top of the one she's just getting through. Not fair, poor little thing. She was OK this morning, then had a long nap and couldn't really get herself together after she woke up, whingy and tired, kept flopping down on the couch. She managed a little bit of pesto pasta with jelly for pudding, then got upset over something nonsensical whilst in the bath and worked herself into such a state that she was sick. So, another day off tomorrow I think. Oh joy.....but it'll be OK so long as I can coordinate their naps!
DeepSeek , Donald Trump and me!
It has been a difficult few days. Midway through last week I was feeling a
rising emotion of joyful exhilaration. Despite the sanctions, despite the
US tec...
5 weeks ago
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