The trip itself was really good. Husbandio flew over on the Friday to spend a couple of days with his best friend, and Emsy and I then followed on the Sunday morning. This means that I flew alone with a five month old baby. At 7am. On a Sunday. It seemed a good idea when I booked it....! Actually it went fine - she woke up at 5am when we got to the airport, having had a bit of a doze in the car, and was then awake until the flight. That meant, luckily, that she was pooped by the time we took off, and slept all the way there, leaving me free to read my book, marvellous! The trip from the airport to the hotel was fine since I was met by a chauffeur, although rather than the baby car seat I'd requested I got a car seat suitable for a one year old, so it was far too big for her. And then we had the same seat on the return journey, despite complaining - most irritating!
The conference itself was really good. The event opened (after Emsy and I had taken a dip in the spa swimming pool, lit by Swarovski crystal lights!) with dinner in the Gordon Ramsay Signature restaurant and a motivational speech from an astronaut and climber of Everest. Emsy was by this point in her cot which fortunately fitted into the wardrobe area of the bedroom, and we hired a babysitter. The next day was conference sessions until 4pm, then a walk round the Powerscourt Gardens near the hotel, in beautiful sunshine. Yes, sunny in Ireland, whodathunkit? On the final day the conference finished after lunch, and we then met up with our friends in Dublin to meet their little girl, which was lovely, and then off to the airport and home. A speedy trip, but nice to be away from cooking and washing etc, and the room was beautiful. We warned Emsy not to get too used to it, but I fear she may now have high expectations of future hotel visits...!
I was worried that she might be all shaken out of her routine by the time we got home, but she fared very well. So well, in fact, that the night after we got home she slept through for the first time, which was a great relief. She's done it two nights in a row now, fingers crossed that it continues. Course, I was awake from 4.30am waiting for her to wake up, but that'll soon end. That made it a red letter day in its own regard, but we went even further and started weaning, and have now done two days. She's eaten two ice cubes worth of pureed pear each day, with great gusto, so that's going brilliantly so far.
And, as if that weren't enough, today she rolled for the first time. Not just from back to front, oh no, but also once from front to back. Isabel and I both saw the last roll, and just stared at each other open-mouthed! While it's all been very exciting, I think I need a quiet weekend to recover, possibly with the help of a take-away. And perhaps a G&T to wash it down.
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