My 14 year old brother, who is a fan, tried to convince me of the efficacy of these games by saying, "It's so exciting harvesting them and watching them grow - I watched them growing last night, 1% every hour". What?! Needless to say, this did not sway me. Husbandio did a slightly better job - he says it's therapeutic. I can understand that, in fact that's why I write this blog. That, and it keeps my writing muscle exercised. And because I can say what I want without anyone interrupting me.
I suppose what it comes down to is that I have a very limited amount of time in my life for entertainment, so I have to be selective. And virtual farming just doesn't cut it. As an aside, I also don't understand why boys like console games where you have to spend ages customising a character or a car before you fight or race - that just seems to me like playing with virtual Barbies. And since I never liked real world Barbies, that doesn't appeal either! But if anyone can convince me as to why these farming games might be fun then I'll give it a go....but don't hold you breath.
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