They say that, as the baby's due date approaches, the mum-to-be develops a nesting instinct, and spends a lot of time tidying, washing, ironing and generally preparing not just the baby's room but the whole rest of the planet, if possible. This weekend has definitely marked the beginning of my nesting period, although some of this was enforced rather than voluntary. And I must admit that I'm absolutely shattered, after a weekend that has involved:

- Three loads of washing and drying, including sorting out the Moses basket which surprisingly seems to have survived being used as Isabel's toy basket when she'd outgrown it
- Clipping the hedges and clearing the rockery plants which has been encroaching on the path. We can now actually get to the front door easily. Even though we've lived in this house for over a year, we've never used the front door regularly - the side door is much more convenient. However, we're getting a new kitchen put in over the next few weeks, and it may well be necessary for us to use the front door more often.
- Planting primroses in the tubs outside the front of the house
- Last, but not least, packing the entire kitchen and transferring it into the garage. Not entirely alone in this endeavour - my mum helped all day which was just invaluable, and Husbandio carried all the boxes we packed into the garage. And there a lot of boxes - I went to Sainsbury's twice and Tesco's once to collect boxes, and even then we ran out towards the end and had to use the handy boxes I'd fortunately bought in IKEA. I'm really looking forward to getting a new kitchen now, since the old one was badly planned and very dated. Most importantly, we'll have underfloor heating which will be blissful. At the moment slippers are vital in our kitchen in order to avoid frostbite.
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